On Monday we were beyond thrilled to be invited to check out The Crystal Maze London as a taster of what to expect here in Manchester. It goes without saying that ‘back in the day’ the show was a big hit and that I was a huge fan. I dreamed of a day when I was old enough to apply to take part.

The day where all my childhood dreams came through sure didn’t disappoint as we were guided through the Aztec, Medieval, Future and Industrial zones to combat our team through a selection of Skill, Mental, Mystery and Physical tasks.

The set was outstanding and many of the tasks are complete replicas of the games from the TV show. The ultimate finale was the Crystal Dome, where the infamous gold tokens were blown by the wind machine. The number of seconds determined by the number of crystals you won. I always remember watching and wondering why they didn’t grab them off the floor, however we were advised that this actually wasn’t allowed, boo!


With the rise of adult adventure games such as Breakout and Escapsim, this fits perfectly into the segment, with the added bonus of the novelty and nostalgia that, I have no doubt, people will just lap up.


During our trip to London we were reliably advised that design work has been feverishly taking place behind the scenes, and that we are now in a position to give you all a first glance of the wonders that are yet to come!


Winter 2016 saw the incredibly exciting announcement that Little Lion Entertainment were set to open a brand spanking new Crystal Maze in Manchester. Tickets for April 2017 flew off the shelves and more have now been released for May and June.


Design work has been feverishly taking place behind the scenes, but we are now in a position to give you all a first glance of the wonders that are yet to come!


Little Lion will be staying true to the four original zones of Industrial, Future, Medieval and of course Aztec, however each is being gloriously dreamt up to be grandermore immersive and more beautiful than ever before!


Each Zone will feature distinctive and captivating worlds within; Aztec will sweep from open plains with a giantdominating temple to cascading rainforest with rope-bridge and a dark inner temple.


The Future of the past cannot be the future of the present; Little Lion have again re-imagined the Futuristic Zone, this time set to feature robots and an incredible outdoor Mars scape!


I for one can’t wait, if the London Crystal Maze experience is absolutely anything to go by, you wont be disappointed!

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